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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Design Development Startup Technology


  • Multi & Public Instructor
  • Google Analytic add option
  • PWA Ready
  • Drip content
  • Student login Device Control
  • referral system on purchase both will get discount
  • Certificate designer
  • Dynamic Header menu
  • Chapters & Lesson Position Drag & Drop
  • QA Section
  • Utility Feature
  • Student Profile
  • Admin & Instructor watch own course
  • Instructor Profile
  • Item Cart Stored In Database (No Risk To Lost Cart of Buyer)
  • Live preview Video
  • Login/Registration system
  • Live statistics
  • Admin can reject any enrollment with define reason
  • Admin assign permission student and instructor
  • Manage all Course (publish, unpublish and active-inactive)
  • Support YouTube, Vimeo & MP-4 (Self host)
  • Video Resume Play
  • Become an Instructor option
  • Course Download – PDF, Zip
  • Course Search
  • Course Rating
  • Course Query Q&A
  • Course Review System
  • Quiz for Courses
  • Unique Instructor user name
  • Bank Payout for Instructor from Admin
  • Instant Item Search
  • Description of each item
  • Change password / Edit profile
  • Currencies Converter
  • Transaction History
  • Statement
  • Earnings
  • Item Approval system
  • Coupon Option for the Application
  • Refund Status for Super Admin
  • Email Template
  • Course Purchase History
  • Invoice PDF Download
  • Features Item
  • Language translation
  • Language Translator
  • Notification
  • Course Progress
  • Course Filters
  • Flat Commission system
  • Instructor wise commission system
  • Instructor wise and course wise commission system
  • Instructor Payout
  • Instructor Dashboard
  • Student Dashboard
  • Zoom Integration for Meetings for Live class
  • Zoom multiple Instructor API options
  • SEO Ready plain URL
  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • W3C Valid Markup
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Documentation Include
  • Clean Code and Clean Design
  • Testimonial
  • FrontEnd CMS
  • Multi Language Backend only
  • About Detail Page
  • Contact Us Page
  • Blog’s
  • Right click disable for video
  • Geo Location for register student
  • IP Block option on Site
  • Dynamic Preloader
  • RTL
  • Auto Update
New Features
  • Automatic logout after x duration time inactive
  • Error Log in General setting
  • Admin enroll a student directly to a course
  • Admin to create courses & assign it to instructors
  • Live Class, Public/Private option need to add when create
  • Virtual class status added
  • Unlimited Level of category
  • Student dashboard course filter and search
  • User Management (Role based)
  • Demo Data import
  • Google Drive as a lesson storage
  • Course Refund system added
  • Offline payments, deduct from paid amount
  • Multi Instructor in a single course
Instructor Features
  • Adding Products
  • Generating Coupon code
  • Manage Products
  • View course comment and reply to student
  • Get notification for new enroll and course comment & reply
  • upload course chapter and lesson and upload file for assignment
  • Set default language and currency only for him
  • Sales History
  • Wallet Statement
  • Sales Verify over API
  • Review History
  • Product History
  • Check Earnings of Month
  • Check Earnings of Year
  • Check Earnings of All Time
  • Instructors Profile Page
  • Instructor payment request
  • Balance show in Instructor panel
  • Bank Payout
Student Features
  • Registration Email verification ON/OFF Option
  • Enroll The course after purchase
  • Package Purchase
  • Bookmark any course or video
  • Student can comment any course
  • Set default language and currency only for self
  • Get mail notification
  • Course Certificate & Download Option
Payment Gateway Included
  • Offline Payment
  • Bank Payment
  • PayTM (India)
  • RazorPay (India)
  • Instramojo (India)
Email Template Editor
  • Email Verification for Student registration
  • Offline Payment
  • Bank Payment
  • Course Enroll Payment
  • Course Publish Successfully
  • Course Chapter Added
  • Course Lesson Added
  • Course Quiz Added
  • Course Exercise File Added
  • Course Unpublished
  • New Enroll Notification
  • Instructor Payout Month end
  • Instructor Payout Successfully
  • Instructor Payout Decline
  • New comment on course
  • New Reply on Comment
  • New Review on course
  • Password update
  • Course Enroll Rejected By Admin
  • Course Enroll Enabled By Admin
Menu Manager
  • Create new pages
  • Use Static Pages
  • Use Custom link
  • Nested Flyout menu
  • Open New Tab
  • Flyout menu Left or Right
Dynamic Certificate Generator
  • Create new Certificate
  • Upload any size Design
  • Customize your font, color, size and position
  • Preview
  • Download
  • Download after Complete any course
Security Features
  • JWT Authentication
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • CSRF Protection
  • Secure Encrypt Password Hashing
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