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Android App Billing Software Design Development

Android Billing Software

Looking for a android billing app with incredible features to help you organize your business billings? HyFe Billing will help you to keep track of all the bills, payments & invoices in a very easy and simple way. Smart Bills is a very useful offline billing application for an android mobile device. By using HyFe Billing, you can easily maintain all kinds of sales items, clients, suppliers, invoices. You can store client’s and supplier’s information. You can easily see your reports with a bar chart. This app allows you to create invoices & share invoice PDFs to the client via email or WhatsApp. Also, there is a backup facility. You can back up your database and save it to device storage & you can import it. You can manage your clients smartly with HyFe Billing.


Main Features:
  • Create clients and suppliers information.
  • Create items information with image.
  • Edit item information
  • Generate PDF invoice
  • Print PDF invoice by printer
  • Share PDF invoice to clients
  • Open PDF invoice by external PDF readers
  • Add item using QR code
  • Add item using Barcode code
  • Item stock management system
  • Item Stock count
  • Item by category
  • Manage payments and due
  • Sales system with cart.
  • Create expense list.
  • Add/Edit items category
  • Add/Edit payment methods
  • Monthly and yearly report with bar chart
  • Database backup and restore system.
  • Add any currency symbol
  • Attractive User Interface.
  • Tax and discount system
  • Export items data into Excel(xls) file
  • Export clients and suppliers data into Excel
  • Export full database into Excel
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